Satyajit : Writing

Never-mind !

Never-mind !

A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to my true love. It is all about the passage of time and quite a lot of things i couldn't stand with in terms of love.
Down To Hell

Down To Hell

A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to my love, Shrisha. It encapsulates my failure instead of thousand trials in love.


A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to my Puntu, Shrisha. I lover her being, and the way she already is. No need to go beyond.
Autumn Love

Autumn Love

A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to my cause of existence, Shrisha. It is composed of 3 stanzas, enjoy each line.
Be Mine

Be Mine

A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to My only love, Shrisha. It deals with the acceptance of love symptoms seen in the writer. Quite interesting, isn't it ?
Wanna Touch You

Wanna Touch You

A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to my pretty girl, Shrisha. It comprises of her appearance and physicality, and her being.
My Saviour

My Saviour

A Poem by Satyajit

This poem is dedicated to my sweet love, Shrisha. The first stanza shows the preliminary aspects of love, the second one shows the probability & the ..

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