Love each breeze as you feel it,Every sight as you see it,The cold upon your cheek, on a chill winters dayThe sunset's blue and orange hues on a warmS..
to Love you is to know youyourquirks,nuances, Virtues.the intimateknowledgewe sharecombined with the pleasure ofrunning my fingers through your hairaf..
Looking for perfection and realizingI've found it.The sublime moments we seek that our minds entertain.Where nothing physical lasts on that spiritual ..
You endow me with a brightnessSo much so that the sun seems dim.My serenity that before was unseenComes into being with your love, so healing.You're l..
These interludes that take up my timeAreunsatisfactoryto my completely enamored mind.The increasingaccelerationof my heartbeatHappens with every enjoy..
The moon, mirror of my soul.Somewhere in the vast sky, left all alone.Forever in it's timely orb to never falter or fail,yet all it's time spent idlin..
Moonbeams shower your soul,Covering masks left unfolded.Blazing shooting starsBurn rightthroughscars in your heart.You have a good head on your should..
Twas light one nightWhen the moon chantedIt’s rune, summonsingThe presence of luneUpon it’s very cheek.The light through herwindowsillShon..
I pity you lonesome moonYour midnight glare.For I know what you conceal.Your chassis half dark, half light,From a star that doesn'tenvyThe glare of th..
Self destruction is the candle light that shines bright into my soul,as i slash it open; the hole in my arm expandsand my naked veins pour forthscourg..