Sarai Lee

Sarai Lee


We are smarter with our hands dirty

Greensboro, NC
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About Me

I'm a mother, a wife, a dreamer, a story weaver, and an optimist. I prefer to see the world through rose colored glasses.

I have been writing since I was a young girl. I love to write. It's my life's blood, and my greatest gift. Often when I can not find any other way to deal with emotion, struggle, hope or any of the other things that life throws my way---I reach out and put pen to page.

My characters are my greatest companions. My stories are full of friends, mentors, and the fires that I use to cauterize my wounds.

This is me! I hope you enjoy my work!


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Posted 11 Years Ago

I've had a random person attack me through comments on some of my poetry lately. I don't know who this person is, or where they came from. I don't know who they think I am as they address me as if they know me, but they are mistaken. If any of you have read comments on my poems where someone is randomly cussing me out, sorry about the vulgarity. I am reporting the matter, and deleting the comments.