From the perspective of one of my OC's.. I know I said it was post-Avengers, but this actually starts pre-Avengers
Post-Avengers with five different Original characters and crossovers to mortal instruments, Doctor Who, Marvel, and possibly Percy Jackson.
The first chapter in my dream story, tell me if you think i have to much, or to little, detail.
I had a dream, and even though I'm not sure my dream had the greatest plot it was too hot not to write about, and I've had a blast with it so far.
Thou shalt love
the Lord thy God with all thy heart-
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself.
In the time..
written for a high fantasy contest
written for a contest. This was really hard for me to write. Hope it turns out okay.
Please tell me what you think, and don't worry about being harsh..
chapter one of my new story, feedback would be awesome
chapter two of the book that is tentively called legacy
chapter three in Legacy, enjoy!