Sara Tober

Sara Tober


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North Freedom, WI
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About Me

Name: Sara Tober, But I go by Sar T.

I'm 24

Astrological: Leo

Zodiac: Sheep

I live in Wisconsin with my boyfriend, my mom, stepdad, 8 cats & a dog.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis; which make my joints weaker then normal & it's harder to participate in just about everything. I was diagnosed when I was only 2 & a half, so I'm pretty much used to it.

I love to read, write, draw, color, anything that has to do with arts & crafts. I LOVE Music, anime, cartoons, movies; horror.

I love staying up late.

I CAN'T live without Music! I love Country, Pop, Rock, some Rock & Roll, some rap (Eminem, Kanye West & Nelly), Oldies, others.

I don't care if you think I'm Crazy, cause I am.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

You think there is no Utopia?
My dear, you're suffering Myopia!
For in this Real World can live
The option to take or to give.
If you give all your money, your fortune might wane,
But in giving your love, you can only gain.
For the Source of Love remains so vast
You can give it all, yet the wealth will last.
When Love is returned, joy has no limit
Only your holding back can dim it.
Your may not hear me, but I must tell
Your create your own Heaven or Hell.
The distance is short, a mere foot apart
The greatest journey from the head to the heart."

- Gurunam Kaur Khalsa