My chains are broken,
now im free...
As you stand next to me,
the past is gone and our future shines.
What has become can only last,
if we c..
What happened to the laughter?What happened to the joy, we used to hold?What happened to the fun, we used to stand for?We were supposed to be in love,..
'I looked around frantically
trying to find help or a way out. All I saw was my older brother coming towards
me sourly. I started backing into a..
"Rayne come on get up" Cierra said. "Mmm five more
minutes please" I mumbled. "Rayne come on get your lazy butt out of
bed now" she said. I look..
Abruptly sitting up in bed I sighed. 'Thank god it was just a
dream that guys just a dream like always. Too bad though he's really hot just
Blinking in surprise I looked up into the most gorgeous eyes I had
ever seen. Too bad they were filled with concern. Scooting my head as far back..
"Thank you" I whispered as the door was being closed.
Standing up out of the bed relieved to be alone, I slowly made my way to where
my backpack..
Turning around abruptly I began running up the stairs, I didn't
stop until was completely up the stairs down the hallway and safely inside
Sitting up I was shivering in fear for the Tyler look alike than
anybody. Getting up out of the bed entirely I ran out of the room and flew
Getting an idea of what I wanted to cook I found a box of twisty
noodles, a box of velveeta cheese, can green beans, and some little sausages.