About Me
Jemmy is a freelance writer and poet. She started writing after raising her two boys as a way of discovering just who Jemmy is. That is still very much an on-going project but the journey so far has introduced her to many wonderful friends and fellow writers through an ever growing love of poetry.
Jemmy is a neo-formalist poet preferring to write in meter and form than free verse but as she journeys on in the hobbit hole she is beginning to learn to relax and let the feel and sound of words take over rather than be dictated to by rigid rules and structure. However Jemmy will still argue that a sonnet without consistent iambic meter ain’t a sonnet and Lewis Turco’s Book of Form is never far from her side.
Jemmy is a moderator and contributor to the poetic forum Tir na nog, and says it is a great pleasure to work with Terry Clitheroe and the Tir poets to bring the wonder of poetry out of the elitist, artisan world to a wider and more global audience.
Jemmy's journey in writing has also allowed her to discover her spiritual path in a greater depth, her love of research and collating data to enhance her writing has given her the opportunity to reopen the books of mythology and legend and reconnect with the divine.