When this spring brings to me,
Some silence-
While I walk down the lane-
Thousands, stepped on.
I knew down in me-
A lost child seeks-
And another fine morning,I sat on the same wooden stump,to feel those pearly dews-And to introspect-How beauteous, that silence could be!And, I saw th..
When my words were confined,And my thoughts suppressed,And my fear being nurtured-I saw my anger speak!It spoke-The words, no-one heard!Drenching my l..
Gently strikes his hammer-And dusts off-Coughs and clears his throat.Some pieces of rock!When his fate itself deludes!Their fates, he assigns!Some as ..
How hard is it, to know-The cost of war?When you have gallons of oils…And piles of money at one end,And a dying mother at another-And we still ..
I saw a woman with a dandelion-
In my dream-
She was covered in dirt-
But her aura never concealed!
Forgotten, must be!
She blossomed e..
They flew…Swiftly, whirling together,Their silhouettes-Those slithering reflection on the vast sea!She beheld-Parking her dying soul,On the old..
That ghetto of thoughtsStinks with the unwashed-emotional lesions,Spread around the darkness-Deep in that dying heart.The walls of veins-all scratched..
How narrow a mind can be?When you are worried about a few droplets,In front of that enormous sea!And secretly, keep a coin in that pocket-Inside the v..
“A drop-
Falls from the distant blue-
Whirling and twirling-
Hits that window-pane…
And another follows- its rule-
And hit..