Sing loud and proud
Making everyone disappear,
Intrigued by anything that is music
Leaning on the verbal emotion, and
Enjoying every br..
All is needed to be given,
A chance, a simple chance,
To become educated.
The knowledge is willing to be received.
Please. Give me a chance.
There she is, a naturally beautiful woman sitting comfortably on the couch; her infant sitting at her feet. No more than thr..
Live like tomorrow is your last. Gain knowledge, even though you may think you’ll never need it, it is still a p..
The beautiful green flower,
How valuable and remarkable she is.
Such an amazing woman,
The blessings she brings, to the many
Who enjoy her co..
Being Together
The moment dawned onto me a few days ago.
Strong winds blowing,
Particles of teasing and bulling.
Filled the atmosphere.
Standing so close to the edge,
But yet, so far away.
She strug..
About every month, my family and friends get together and enjoy eating a well
cooked meal. Variety comes into play when various types of food ..
I look high
I look low
I look left
I look right
Pointless dates
Boring text messages
Never ending disappointments
I give my trust
I giv..