Samuel Jack : Writing

Daddy's ham

Daddy's ham

A Poem by Samuel Jack

Fun with my son
The seeds were set

The seeds were set

A Poem by Samuel Jack

The seeds were set. Put a-shaking in the ground Success was not certain an effect often found Many different outcomes Stunted or full gr..
The ethereal crutch

The ethereal crutch

A Poem by Samuel Jack

Bit of a rant about my views on religion.
Cultural exchanges

Cultural exchanges

A Poem by Samuel Jack

My love of languages is in this one, but more so my love of ALL human beings.
Dream adventure

Dream adventure

A Poem by Samuel Jack

Bits of real dreams and made up bits to make it Interesting
Accepting silence

Accepting silence

A Poem by Samuel Jack

About a person who needs constant music to drown out his thoughts


A Poem by Samuel Jack

A little lighthearted one


A Poem by Samuel Jack

It's not a cryptic piece
The art of effective counter attacking

The art of effective counter attacking

A Poem by Samuel Jack

My first go at sticking to meter, just a simple thing from my martial arts training.
Ever the condescender

Ever the condescender

A Poem by Samuel Jack

About my boss