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Flower Mound, TX
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Im 16 years old and recently discovered the joy and pure fun of writing. Every so often I lay in bed and will type on my laptop. Mostly short stories and poems. I live in Texas otherwise known as the bio-polar state. I have more free time to right because I no longer belong to a public school i go to a private school, which is in session only 2 days a week. But this school has no Cross Country which last year was my addiction I could not sleep without running 7 miles. This year I have a leg injury to go with it, that is how I started writing I just had nothing better to do.

Top favorite bands
1.Avenged Sevenfold
2.Rise Against
3.Senses Fail
5.Three Days Grace


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Posted 15 Years Ago

If you ever write a poem you should enter my contest.