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Dimasalang, Masbate, Philippines
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About Me

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Free genealogy - Old photos

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Penloverfool was born in Masbate City, Philippines. He was the third child among six children of Samuel and Liliosa Tambago; both were public elementary school teachers. He grew up in a small town of Dimasalang in Masbate province and completed his elementary schooling at Dimasalang Central School. He finished his secondary education at Masbate National Comprehensive High School in Masbate City, where he belonged in Science, Mathematics Oriented Curriculum Section. Penloverfool accomplished his college years at the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City, Philippines. He has a degree in Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. Penloverfool is a licensed Physical Therapist in the Philippines, Maryland, Illinois, and California. He speaks Masbateno, Cebuano, Tagalog, and English.

ModeRoom Literary Quotes

What Samuel Means (my real name)

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
it would be great to read your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 16 Years Ago

HELLO FRIEND Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 16 Years Ago

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Pretty easter egg

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey hun, I really hope you are staying, so many are not re-posting, and so many are leaving, and I really don't blame them. Talk about ripping the heart and soul out of the place with the click of a mouse, and no amount of points or money can ever replace what was lost. Take care sweetie. XX

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Posted 17 Years Ago

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Fantasyfairy's Dark World
51 Members

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I am so glad that you enjoyed that piece. I hope all is well in your world and you are able to enjoy life and the holiday season.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for the review.

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Posted 17 Years Ago