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Samantha Rao : Writing

Lets kill the smoke

Lets kill the smoke

A Story by Samantha Rao

Have you smokers ever thought of how much your life is at risk?Have you guys ever thought of what would happen to the people you matter to the most?..
 Other Me

Other Me

A Poem by Samantha Rao

There is two sides to a coinThey preach.I know, I believe, I trust these wordsBut I wonder is there an other me?The front put on by one in the crowds,..


A Poem by Samantha Rao

It is a limeric.
The Biker Man

The Biker Man

A Poem by Samantha Rao

Its a limerick
Hear me!!

Hear me!!

A Poem by Samantha Rao

A tree I am,Humans hear my plea,My cluster and I aren't aliveNot able to survive withstand your treatment.You annexation, expansion of you territory b..
Winter Sea

Winter Sea

A Poem by Samantha Rao

The sound of the waves and the sight of the white foam,The blue color is that of the sea,An experience it is to walk on the beach,Its December and thr..


A Poem by Samantha Rao

Its a Haiku.
Rose Red

Rose Red

A Poem by Samantha Rao

A rose in the color red,Symbol of love and beauty,Yes really pretty.
Lady From China.

Lady From China.

A Poem by Samantha Rao

Its a limeric