A Poem by Sam
Should she be chastised
For leaving us behind?
Throwing in the towel,
Commiting a foul.
She stood at the pulpit
Virtuous and pure
And grew up ..
A Poem by Sam
Wet with regret,
Puddles of pathos
Flood the town,
Don't jump now
You'll flounder
And drown.
You can give it a go,
He will always say no.
A Poem by Sam
I can't be intimate like that
And switch it off, file it away,
I'm not that kind of gay.
We were melting figurines
Bleeding into eachother,
A p..
A Poem by Sam
He stared
As though trying to
Make me melt,
He was oozing attraction,
Physically he wanted me,
He craved it.
I was unimpressed by his height,
A Poem by Sam
I thought I had been
Waiting in vein
Brewing my own cosmic pain.
The metal around his mouth
Reminds me that pleasure is pain,
Sadism begins at ho..
A Poem by Sam
Slap and tickle,
This is no time to be fickle,
Hang off my neck
Like a love thirsty vampire,
My love is not yours.
But for an hour or so
My body..
A Poem by Sam
I used to want to be loved
The velvet glove to stroke my face
Tears fall
Like people,
Death waltzes down my face.
I would like to hang my is..
A Poem by Sam
So you pursue
Someone for weeks
Get cast aside
And then he hooks upwith someone
I've had before.
A boy I dismissed as trash.
Too young, too kee..
A Poem by Sam
The pictures stare back at me
The one of us three,
Where we frame him
Like ladies in waiting.
I am still waiting,
We are no oil painting.
The ..
A Poem by Sam
I cannot wait for the blanket
To be pulled up over my face,
Those coins placed over my eyes
I will need the money.
I possess neither the virtue