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North Las Vegas, NV
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World War

World War

A Story by Sagemind

Empty Empty

A Poem by Sagemind

Beautiful Beautiful

A Story by Sagemind

Ambush Ambush

A Story by Sagemind


A Story by Sagemind

Interwebz! Interwebz!

A Poem by Sagemind

Music Music

A Poem by Sagemind

Life Life

A Poem by Sagemind

About Me

Hi, I'm Alex. I've been a writer for a long time and I look forward to entering contests. I've been fourteen since the 20th of August (sorry for not updating) and I love video games and reading. I love drumming in all shapes and forms and I pride myself on being a proficient drummer. I am homeschooled but, despite popular belief about homeschoolers, I do indeed have plenty of friends. I really like a girl that likes me back, but we can't be together, which is frustrating. And, to finish this portion off, I once tried to eat alligator. I couldn't get it down. Here's some facts about me.

1. I will play almost any video game.

2. I love Marvel comics.

3. Though I play video games, sit at computer screens, and read more than anyone else in my family, I am the only person never to have picked up a pair of glasses.

4. I am 5' 9". I enjoy every inch of it.

5. I've discovered that short people make you do things for them.

6. I know what "vacillation," "cabal," and "capricious" mean.

7. I am obsessed with girls and proud of it.

8. I love salad.

9. I am very competitive.

10. I almost impaled myself on five inch nails once when I was flying through the air (long story), but instead I smashed into some bricks. :/

There you are!


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Posted 15 Years Ago

lol we have 3 things in common.... <3

2. I love Marvel comics.

3. Though I play video games, sit at computer screens, and read more than anyone else in my family, I am the only person never to have picked up a pair of glasses.

10. I rub it in other people's faces when I win, but not to the point of it becoming upsetting.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Please join and send to anyone else you think may be worthy <3

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Congratulations on your latest contest win.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Congratulations on your new badge. :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you very much for all of your encouraging reviews of my writing. I will continue to return the favour.

Keep writing. ;)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey dude. Thanks for the friend request and the review! Good stuff.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey dude. Thanks for the friend request and the review! Good stuff.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey dude. Thanks for the friend request and the review! Good stuff.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the review name too, by the way.