This man that stands before me acknowledges me more than I have ever realized. It’s as if I stand completely nude in his presence, revealing alm..
There was a little girl who was conceived by a weeping willow tree. Each day she grew taller like the roots that lie beneath the earth, she became mor..
I knew the carousel wasn’t actually spinning, and I knew there wasn't actually someone dressed ever so neatly in a black suit, even though my ey..
What if I died? Would things exceed? Or corrupt? Would my own existence be missed? Surely.. But would my being be gratified as I pass? The misundersta..
Surrounded by delusions, relieving to know that they're not my own. Fighting the urge to snicker for they might snap at me with anger. Its a pity to s..
Feelings were inevitable, strict with devotion to please one’s needs. Radiant, attentive, loyal, and passionate is all that we are for each othe..
The question I was asked took me a back, not because it was unusual but because I have to ponder such a question, “Are you alright?” I mea..