Ryosei Takashi Hime : Writing

My Closet

My Closet

A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

I am no longer in the closet. However, I've been in the closet for my whole life til more recent years, and now that I am out, I have no idea what to ..
I Must Kill You

I Must Kill You

A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

Another oldish one I found while bored in Introduction to Computers. Another one spurred by some event that upset me. I can't remember now. It hasn't ..
Redirected Rage

Redirected Rage

A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

This is a bit dated. I found it while bored in Introduction to Computers. Caused by an instance of overwhleming hatred for my grandfather who is the m..


A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

This isn't very good, but I was listening to too much Billy Holiday - Strange Fruit especially - and this popped out. Her voice brings me down - in a ..
Crime : I am!

Crime : I am!

A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

I don't know. I guess this one was spurred by a conversation with my art teacher. She was shocked at some of the persecution my many differences in a ..


A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

XD This is the second poem I've written in Introduction to Computers today. This one's a bit of a ramble, not really about me for the most part. Inspi..


A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

A classmate in English 102 asked me to write a love poem for her to give to her boyfriend and say it was hers. I warned her I don't do happy things
Nowhere Man

Nowhere Man

A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

A poem about my father....


A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

This was written in math because I hate it and get bored there easily. You oughta see the original page. I cross-hatched virtually the whole thing asi..


A Poem by Ryosei Takashi Hime

I am fairly enraged at the moment. This wasn't thought out, simply typed rapidly to relieve some tension before seeing the source of my anger again.