These four walls, they give me safety, yet they bring me solitude. The light is fading from my window view, and the growing darkness becomes more appa..
A long day, today
God, my throat is too sore to talk
Probability, lymphatic system, politics and literature
All the topics of today, and tomorrow
Down I go, onto my couch
No room here but this one
Bigger than my room, even in my new house
Ilike it here
Even with the giant window
Wrapped u..
Here it comes again
A giant hand to a gentle face
The slap breaks the tense silence
Burning red, the stain grows larger
Eyes lock in anger
Dull g..
Pumping, churning
Oh god, this burns
Harder, harder
I need this pain
Go, go, go
More and more
Push me, do it, Idare you
Nevermind, I can do it ..
Sitting in class
tick-tock, tick-tock.
Seconds don't seem to grow to minutes
Kristen? Are you alright? You're shaking.
Yes, I'm fine. I promise.
Write more, write more.
Terror consumes my being.Anxiety levels rise.Something I've never done before.Baking pies.The directions weren't as clear as they should have been for..
You've been with me for years.
Slept with me through countless nights.
So close, never out of reach.
Stepped on, bent up, scratched.
We've been to..