ever do hiking? most people have, how about road biking? omg, an experience you will not get enough of despite the pains, Pleasure/Pain try it you'll ..
all is not well in paradise
there are friends that hang around and you love more than a regular friend, behaving in entirely different ways than with the regulars
sometimes dogs convey messages, at least in my human imagination which under different circumstances could prove reality were the table turned
love, a highly sensual phenomenon in some settings
sunshine brings out the most inspirational feeling of energetic and positive feelings for life
some eulogies are owed, given too late, as in this ode to Andy, a long gone friend
resoluteness of character assists in the fairer sexes triumph over hardships
romantic eroticism can sometimes be made analogous to a garden
things happen sometimes unexpectedly, so it goes with certain unsuspecting ones at certain times