It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.
Edgar Allan P..
Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere
1. The sect
The light
drew creepy shadows on the stone walls that delineated the pla..
2. Preparations
There was an enjoyable hustle at the Chateau Rouge. They had closed the castle for a whole week to possible clients. The big p..
3. A family dispute
Katarina noticed that
her friend, Jean-Pierre, was very startled by the letter she had given to him.
Nonetheless, she ha..
4. At the airport
The French airport Charles-de-Gaulle was buzzing with
activity. ‘Charles-de-Gaulle’ was especially used for inte..
5. Marie-Anne’s story
They were all three together, sitting in the ground-floor salon of the Chateau Rouge. Jean-Pierre, Marie-Anne ..
6. Where there is smoke, there is fire
Both Jean-Pierre and
Katarina were rather shaken hearing the story from Marie-Anne. It had taken her a..
7. The shawl of the perpetrator?
Chief Inspector Leclercq was a heavily built man with hair as white as fresh snow. With his cigarette dangling..
8. More or less suspicious
Chief Inspector Leclercq was formally and unyielding.
Jean-Pierre had to go with him to headquarters. Nonetheless, ..
9. Lord and Master
Slowly Jean-Pierre's anger flooded away and made way for a feeling of unease. It wasn't an ordinary robbery. He had hear..