What is the deal with romantic crap these days?Crooners cater to the roiling masses,Singin ‘bout all of the good old love days,When lads would d..
Shine into the, darkest crevice,Solemn morn, holds no menace,Beat, push back at, quiet night,Twilight shorn, re..
I need to tell you something,Gotta get it off my mind.I’ve been in love for a while,In fact, for a long time.And while this confession Might see..
One hundred, hm? One hundred,Get a mind wrapped round one hundred.One hundred scritch-scratched letters,One hundred uttered words,One hundred skimmed ..
It's raining outside. It's really pouring down judging by the dull roar.
I focus my mind, Shoving everything away but theSound of clouds
letting l..
You were the last thing I saw, dearest.That is, you were the last thing I saw before darkness came over my vision.Even then, the darkness itself seeme..
We both knew that this time would come.I have been telling you since day one.And yet it comes softly, almost unknown.That is, until into this moment w..
All a mind's eye can seeIs a blank expanse,waiting for inspiration.A potential minefield ofHorrendousMistakes.To set down your penIs to admit defeat.T..
I am the intro-extrovert,The pleasant, lonely one.Solitude is my preferenceBut I'd like a social life.Must my solitary natureBe augmentedWith a butter..
His eyes.They were green.They were wide in fear.I remember one of them being bruised, but I can't remember which.They were so expressive, so adamant i..