Rowan Storm

Rowan Storm


Writing again.

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About Me

I'm currently 19 years old as I write this, and I have changed a lot. I'm no longer depressed and hurting. I have a chance at having a genetic disease and dying from kidney failure, but I honestly only care that it makes me tired a lot. I missed realmwriter and plan to review all his works and read all of it in my new frame of mind and yeah. I'm happier. I really am.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for your friendship.

"Crown Court Censored Poet" (2009-2014)
Using Poetry I fought back against family racism, directed towards my newborn mixed race Daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the review on Screams the Secrets In My Head. Do you know the title of the Emily Dickinson poem I should look for, would love to read it?