Anna : Writing



A Poem by Anna

Is it okay toBreak the promiseWhen it becomes cruel--?If I am backed intoAgreeing.Swarmed by reasonsI can't confirmOr deny.Is it okay toLet go of youI..
Ginger or Coal

Ginger or Coal

A Poem by Anna

My brain hurtsInside my headBut the streetlights areDim yellowing andFar between.Say hello nonverballyTo ghosts andThe anxious dead.I walk on the side..


A Poem by Anna

I’ve changed.Jasmine has taken overThe garden wall.The wrought iron fenceStands against me--A house facing EastOn the cemetery streetYellow with..


A Poem by Anna

We are good peopleOf this I’m certain.And so I need you to talkWhen the sunComes in through thePale curtains.Over your dark teaQuiet lips and da..
Armor Amour

Armor Amour

A Poem by Anna

I tried to save youAnd though full of reasonsI’m not certain why--In the middle of everythingI gave up but I did try.Maybe it’s the scent ..
Prisms in the Window

Prisms in the Window

A Poem by Anna

I know it’s a lot to askBut could you love me laterThe way you do now--?Could you hold onto me for meWhen I’m not around--?Just the softne..
And Heaven is Distant

And Heaven is Distant

A Poem by Anna

What is it to love--If not painful and destructiveIf not indescribableIncomparable to the sight?The lean on the sidewalkDandelions growingIn cracks, i..
Do It All Again

Do It All Again

A Poem by Anna

I think of the momentI fail youI lose my gripOn this proverbial cliff;In your eyesDo I sink fasterThan you imagined I would?Does the way I dieDisappoi..
Home of Free & Lonely Gods

Home of Free & Lonely Gods

A Poem by Anna

Take Interstate 35 and driveUntil the gas runs outOr you get a flatAnd leave yourself stranded--Abandoned on the longDark highways of Texas.Somewhere ..
Greyrock Point

Greyrock Point

A Poem by Anna

There’s a bridge over Troubled water somewhere Between here and The mark of Absolution. In good tidings In good, warm memory But the ..