I look down at my empty bed,At the place where you should lie,And I just can't help myself,From crying out in sorrow.You promised me you'd be there,To..
I walk,I talk,I eat,I sleep,But am I really here?I may be alive, walking and talking,But could I be just a dream?How can you tell,I even exist,In this..
Shall I explain the world?Shed it's secrets bear,Whisper the reason,Your even here?Shall I tell you why,The world revolves?Shall I explain why time ne..
Single worded answers,Eyes filled with tears,Shivers every second,And one single fear.Horrid words are whispered,Whimpers rent the air,Silky smooth fi..
Sweet sweet blood,Pools at your feet,Mangled limbs,Scatter the street.Sharp little blades,Swivel around,As the devil cry's,At the sound,Of shrieking b..
Little little girl,Always in a dress,Pearly white,With peachy pink,And little golden curls.When she walks,She always smiles,And has a graceful air.Tha..
Summer breeze,Upon the sea,Where seagulls swoop,And hunt.The children play,While the parents sleep,And dream of lady luck.The summer breeze,Upon the s..
Sweet birds sing,O lalala,As we walk along the sea.Hands joined,And smiles so sweet,The birds just have to sing,O lalala.The water laps,Onto the beach..
On a winter night,I settle down to write,Long loving poems,And sweet little treats.As the snow falls down,The fire emitts the light,The warmth of heat..
Love is one thing,Hate is another.Desire and lust,Mixed with fire.Can you read the signs?See the hate become love?Can you see this magical thing,Where..