Chapter TenThe sky was starting to brighten. I groggily sat up in my desk chair and sluggishly began to organize all the typed reports into my suit ca..
Chapter ElevenI'm in the car on the way to Los Vegas with Wenn in the passenger seat phoning through my music tapes and anything else he could get his..
Chapter TwelveWe ended up in Henderson at 11 am in the morning. Wenn had taken the wheel a couple of hours before so I can rest for a while, and it wa..
Chapter Thirteen"Boss, I'm at the Ranch Resort. It's past six, where is he?" I ask him through the phone."Are you sure you're in the lobby, because if..
Chapter FourteenWe walked onto the court yard surrounded by suffocating scenery of green and many other colors. Fay, still hooked to my side, didn't f..
Chapter FifteenI rang the bell, as Fay hid behind me in the shadows of the front porch. She was still stiff from the whole Greg thing, but somehow I m..
Chapter SixteenI breathed a huge sigh of relief when Fay finally came to. She woke in Beatrice's bedroom where we all crowded around her for the time ..
Chapter Seventeen.I parked the car a block away from her house, in case Greg was paroling the yard."Lets wait for Wenn to get here," Fay advised. "I d..
Chapter eighteenWenn, Fay and I approach a two story, manor looking building. Both Wenn and I stop, astonished. Fay, probably used to being locked up ..
Chapter NineteenI think back to yesterday and realize that I had completely gone beezerk. I'm lying in the backseat of my car, as the first rays of su..