Ron Hiles

Ron Hiles


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Peterborough, UK, England
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About Me

Poet, wannabe Columnist - for a reputable paper, hahaha - Dreamer, Realist, Autobiography writer, Fiction writer, Chatterbox, Silent Meditator, God-lover, good-Atheist lover, Helper if I can, Emotional but understanding if I can't. Open-minded.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for your most recent review. I appreciate your suggestions. I'm glad you see that poem as down to earth and not "wishy washy". I don't do the wishy washy thing very well. I usually only write about what I know. And I think writing about actual experiences in my life keeps me writing in the down to earth fashion. And I do just write. I don't really think about it much. I barely ever edit. So you pointing out the space in the middle of each other was nice to have. Thanks again for the review. :)

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for the review. I'm glad you grasped the meaning behind it. Not alot of people who reviewed it did. I look forward to getting more reviews from you. :)


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to writerscafe, to the groups and to the
whole shebang. If we can be helpful let me know .
I think you will find this a fun place to write and
review others.
And may the wind be always at your back.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Ron, welcome to the Cafe. People here will love your poems and stories.
There's no weekly football thread (yet)... or should I say 'soccer'?
