Robert Cohen : Writing

Losing Pieces

Losing Pieces

A Poem by Robert Cohen

My thoughts in the aftermath of losing pieces in my life.
Mental state of mind

Mental state of mind

A Poem by Robert Cohen

We go through stages of life where we all have difficult emotions that effect our minds but we must do our best not to let it get to us
Poetic lines of my mind

Poetic lines of my mind

A Poem by Robert Cohen

At times you just get a verbal flow in your mind you have to turn it into poetic lines
The unspoken instrumental mindset

The unspoken instrumental mindset

A Poem by Robert Cohen

Thoughts are unspoken ideas similar to music playing without the artist singing the words to the music
Mental intimacy

Mental intimacy

A Poem by Robert Cohen

Indevisuals don't always consider the mental aspect of intimacy before engaging in the physical act
Poetic lines

Poetic lines

A Poem by Robert Cohen

Poetic lines of my mind consumes my heart and m i n d like a burning fire down in my soul as these lines consume my mind I'm instantly t a k e n to a ..


A Poem by Robert Cohen

These are somethings you can do when the issues of life come raining down on your life.


A Poem by Robert Cohen

When life weighs you down ,you have to pray and let life keep rolling.
Apologetic Heart

Apologetic Heart

A Poem by Robert Cohen

As a Cancer we love hard and we don't always get that love in return. Most of the time we find ourselves apologizing even though we haven't done anyth..
The Key

The Key

A Poem by Robert Cohen

These are the keys on how to have sucess in these situations.