Rob Funk : Writing

Side Stepping Hell

Side Stepping Hell

A Poem by Rob Funk

Hey bro,You don't have to tell me,You don't have to sell me,Just like we planned,Before me you shall stand,Before you I shall stand,1,2,3,We shall use..
That poor soldier

That poor soldier

A Poem by Rob Funk

He was so happy,I was so snappy,This man dared to tell me,I'm scared,F**k maybe I should have cared,I should have never said the things I did,Write yo..
1 left

1 left

A Poem by Rob Funk

Get down,What's wrong with you?,Can you not tell I am in hell.Why was it he who fell,He was careful,Why did I enjoy that hell,I waited for it,Stay dow..
Night like this

Night like this

A Poem by Rob Funk

On a night like this,Everything is in place,The weather is just right,To take a drive tonight,Stocked up on my favorite thing,That's not all I shall b..


A Poem by Rob Funk

Can you hear my heart rattle,That's what the snake does,When he prepares for battle,Looking around,However this may sound,Many people treat us like ca..
When I met her

When I met her

A Poem by Rob Funk

When I met her,I knew she was better,My mind said to me,You move to fast,Don't expect this to last,Well at least for a short time,We had a blast,Letti..


A Poem by Rob Funk

My arm keeps dripping,I shall keep sipping,I feel this slipping,The faster the better,She hurt me long ago and she will cry,So let her,God my carpet i..
.45 and a cyanide ampule

.45 and a cyanide ampule

A Poem by Rob Funk

Its all lost,Hence I am checking out at any cost,Time to sleep,I'm such a creep,I do believe I am in too deep,Hell these bills are pretty steep,Cant w..


A Poem by Rob Funk

Night Fright

Night Fright

A Poem by Rob Funk

Was it right,To go and fight,We took them in the night,I had no problem,I got my intel,No matter how many men fell,In the night they could not have mi..

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