I'm in high School, and i write every free moment I have... including during class, especially Chem and Spanish. I love writing about pretty much anything except poems, fantasy, and sci-fi. I'm just another straight girl for gay rights. I prefer writing about gay love/romance over girl/guy, i guess its just easier for some reason. Anyways....... I also love USA network, Darren Criss, NCIS, Chris Colfer, Glee, my friends, some of my family, Starkid, Joe Walker, Castle, Nathan Fillion, billy Joel, and my iPod, and the library.
"That which makes you different makes you strong, weather you're gay, straight, purple, orange, or a dinosaur, I don't care." - Darren Criss
"Its easy to fool the eye, but hard to fool the heart" - Al Pacino
Anne Vaeth
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