Ashley Robel : Writing

Lost Words

Lost Words

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A poem I wrote in my frustration with not being able to continue my story I've been trying to write for over 2 years.
Hope for a Dream

Hope for a Dream

A Poem by Ashley Robel

This is probably one of my shortest works...But I wrote it for my best friend Lena, in Austria. I miss her a lot.
I Blame You...

I Blame You...

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A poem that is a piece of my past...
Winter's Dance

Winter\'s Dance

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A dance with nature in the chill of winter.
Upon the Petals of a Rose

Upon the Petals of a Rose

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A poem I wrote for my Fiancee for our two year anniversary.


A Poem by Ashley Robel

Oh forest of darkness, grown in despair. I get lost within your tangled branches. Grief consumes me as I find myself alone. Thorns and branches t..
Princess of Hearts

Princess of Hearts

A Poem by Ashley Robel

One of my favorite women in history...Princess Diana.
Purple Memory

Purple Memory

A Poem by Ashley Robel

The sweet smell of spring wafts in the air. A smell that reminds me of home. Purple florals blowing in the breeze, A picture that graces my memor..


A Poem by Ashley Robel

A poem I wrote when I was a little aggrivated.
Endless War

Endless War

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A man caught in the rage of war for all of eternity.