Ashley Robel : Writing

The Universe

The Universe

A Poem by Ashley Robel

Found in my blog...thought I lost it when writers cafe went caput.
Morning Musings

Morning Musings

A Poem by Ashley Robel

The smell of the rain, It awakens my soul. Reminds me of a time when I felt so whole. Now we're apart and nothing is the same, Making us fee..
Grandma's House

Grandma\'s House

A Poem by Ashley Robel

Grandma's house. The place has always been home to me. Grandma's house, So clearly etched in my memory. The warm smells of dinner, the laughter of..
Fighting the Good Fight

Fighting the Good Fight

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A poem I wrote at work on Tuesday based on the story of my roleplaying character (Cyndra Blackwing) and her partner.
Night Whispers

Night Whispers

A Poem by Ashley Robel

Comfort and love shared in the darkness
The Dance of Love

The Dance of Love

A Poem by Ashley Robel

A poem that sort of came to me at work tonight...


A Poem by Ashley Robel

My addition to challenge 12 from the Pagemasters.
Richard's Laugh...

Richard\'s Laugh...

A Poem by Ashley Robel

Another beauty for challenge # 11. I was kind of surprised that this wasn't the first play that I wrote about...But I knew it would come, seeing as it..
Hamlet's Disgrace

Hamlet\'s Disgrace

A Poem by Ashley Robel

This is for the Pagemaster's Challenge # 11, The Shakespeare Challenge.... I wasn't even sure that I'd make it in time...But I guess I did. Anyway, I ..
Blessings in the Stars

Blessings in the Stars

A Poem by Ashley Robel

Blessings of the season...and of all seasons to come.