Rissa Nichole

Rissa Nichole


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About Me

My name is Rissa. I am a college student and I love writing. I have kinda a crazy imagination and a child's heart. I love to read and will read anything that someone places in front of me :)


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Posted 13 Years Ago

There is a tree of transformation that grows within your soul. Water it with love and it will provide you spiritual nourishment throughout your life. By cultivating love you create a oasis for the soul and a place of bliss your heart can call home. The blueprint of your being is divinely inspired. Give your spirit wings and live in absolute joy for you are an Angel on Earth born of Love!


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Rissa, thank you soooo very much for your Review on Don't You See?
You are an amazing writer yourself and it means a LOT to me, girl.
Keep up the excellent work, all right? =)