When we reach the stars...
Inspired by the song: Lips of an angel by Hinder
Frantic is the speed I take,
Troubled are the roads that are run,Nothing that is I,
Silently my feet tread,What has become of my life?
Rain forever..
My mind shall do that...
"There is nothing to fear, but fear itself"
When you are searching for that something, what does the world look like, when you back?
The song Mad World, made my gears spin
I don’t want you to promise me forever
Because who could ever make that promise?
No one,
We all die eventually,
All that ..
When you are brought up the lowest of the low, can you take a helping hand?
A true friend knows your mind,They know your flaws and the things that scare,They always are true, brave and kind,There is no other way to describe it..