Ripple of Aqua : Writing

Higher Still...

Higher Still...

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

When we reach the stars...
My Angel

My Angel

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Inspired by the song: Lips of an angel by Hinder
Questions Pass

Questions Pass

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Frantic is the speed I take, Troubled are the roads that are run,Nothing that is I, Silently my feet tread,What has become of my life? Rain forever..
A Wandering Soul

A Wandering Soul

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

My mind shall do that...


A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

"There is nothing to fear, but fear itself"


A Story by Ripple of Aqua

When you are searching for that something, what does the world look like, when you back?
A Very Very Mad World

A Very Very Mad World

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

The song Mad World, made my gears spin
A Promise

A Promise

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

I don’t want you to promise me forever Because who could ever make that promise? No one, We all die eventually, No. All that ..
There is No Way I Can Take It

There is No Way I Can Take It

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

When you are brought up the lowest of the low, can you take a helping hand?
TRUE Friends

TRUE Friends

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

A true friend knows your mind,They know your flaws and the things that scare,They always are true, brave and kind,There is no other way to describe it..