Ripple of Aqua : Writing

My Second Nature

My Second Nature

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

My heart pounds in my ears with colors swimming in circulating pools from my teary eyes. Bubbles rise from my boiling stomach, catching in my throat..
Stop in the name of my Sanity!

Stop in the name of my Sanity!

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

When I was in one of those moods where I just totally lost it when no one was watching, thoughts splattered on the page.
Where, for us?

Where, for us?

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

A simple love poem; trying to write differently than normal.


A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

You just have to wonder how terrible and scary the life of rain really is...
Trail we Told

Trail we Told

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

With fire and water comes compression and bubbles that melt away into steem.


A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Only you shall set my soul so free...
Lord of The Flies

Lord of The Flies

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Madness is tangible when you are left for dead
Count Time

Count Time

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Time slips and churns slowly away from all of usWe grapple, we grovel, and still we yearn, for what swam right past our fingertips. There is nothing w..
Night in Silence

Night in Silence

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

Ramble of nothing and everything
World Surrounding us.

World Surrounding us.

A Poem by Ripple of Aqua

I suppose how all us artist look at ourselves in the world.