Sweet Demoness

Sweet Demoness



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About Me

I don't have much to say about me because I change often who I am. On here only two people know my real name and that's how it'll stay. I don't update my stuff frequently because I'm busy working on other projects or I'm catching up on my sleep. I'm a very open minded, but if you try to tell me "Oh I didn't like it cause it's gay an blah blah blah," just keep that to yourself. I don't give a damn.

I love a variety of music except One Direction or Justin Beiber or whoever like that. I love kids movies I think they should have a gay prince movie, I love drawing and playing with my dog and Iguana. I love Tumblr, hate Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.

If you like me, wonderful, hopefully we'll be friends later on, if you don't there's a little back button up in your left hand corner. Click it and don't come back.

Also one last thing, if my writing sounds "childish" let me point this out: IT'S SUPPOSE TO. I just write what I think, regardless if it's perfect or utter crap.

That is all... (this turned out longer than I thought)


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Posted 12 Years Ago

I'm gonna need that book. And it'll be 50SoG, too.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

ezxcfgvhbjnkmlkmoiunybtvrcexwz message me when you can, please >.<

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Don't be mad!!!! >.<