Riddhi Sharma : Writing

A Friend

A Friend

A Poem by Riddhi Sharma

Friendship is a unique relation. This bond is formed without knowing each other's backgrounds, so this is the most genuine form of relationship.
Free Me From My Cage!

Free Me From My Cage!

A Poem by Riddhi Sharma

I seek the knowledge, To break the cage, In which I'm trapped, With my potential untapped. Help me train, With the restraints. I'll free ..
His Life

His Life

A Poem by Riddhi Sharma

A boy still lives, Who is in his teens. Born on fifteenth, The month eleventh, And year 2006th. He had no siblings, So craved for things. ..
The One

The One

A Poem by Riddhi Sharma

We know these,But don't speak, geez!You are the One who spoke,And made the evil ones croak,This made my day,Never stop this 'kay,I liked it every bit,..
Once upon a time

Once upon a time

A Poem by Riddhi Sharma

My first try of a Ballad.
Independent Non-Fiction write-ups

Independent Non-Fiction write-ups

A Book by Riddhi Sharma

All the chapters are independent, with no relation to each other. This book provides briefs on various attributes, and countries.
India- A Land of Great Personalities

India- A Land of Great Personalities

A Chapter by Riddhi Sharma

India is often praised due to various reasons. This write-up is an introductory chapter on my country.
Importance of learning through experience

Importance of learning through experience

A Chapter by Riddhi Sharma

Experience combined with knowledge forms a legend.
Bribe - A double edged sword

Bribe - A double edged sword

A Chapter by Riddhi Sharma

It is one of the ills of our society that we can eradicate.
Man and Environment

Man and Environment

A Chapter by Riddhi Sharma

Both are interdependent. But, we ignore our dependence on environment by boasting our technology

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