BruceJackson : Writing



A Poem by BruceJackson

The history of many of the lives in the past remains a mystery to us due to the way records were kept. It is written in the form of a dialectic poem m..
Never That

Never That

A Poem by BruceJackson

Acceptance can be overshadowed by euphemisms and niceties that truly deceive us of the reality of how things really are. It can definitely rock one's..
Freely Spoken

Freely Spoken

A Poem by BruceJackson

Freedom seems to be like something natural. The sentiments of inequality and oppression are the things that war against man's very nature.
Hope for a Homeland

Hope for a Homeland

A Poem by BruceJackson

Even once set free, many enslaved Africans did not leave the plantation or go far from it. Although freedom came to them, many had known no other hom..
To Those Who Feel Differently

To Those Who Feel Differently

A Poem by BruceJackson

We shy away from what has offended others, but we must remain who we are. These words collectively echo those of H. Rap Brown, Dick Gregory, Malcolm ..
Freedom's Train

Freedom's Train

A Poem by BruceJackson

Freedom is a destination, not a dream. Let's get on board to reach the destination together.
Under the Weight

Under the Weight

A Poem by BruceJackson

Under the weight of all of the pressure some folks just simply seem to crack and lose it. Don't be so quick to judge. Yours may just get a little he..
Done Wrong

Done Wrong

A Poem by BruceJackson

Justice is only part of the missing pieces of the puzzle for our children. Let us pray that we make our children a priority as Jawanzaa Kunjufu has u..
On a Freedom Ride

On a Freedom Ride

A Poem by BruceJackson

This serves as a poetic journey of time travel, eclipsing Jim Crow and the antebellum years of slavery in America, utilizing a twist on the term "free..


A Poem by BruceJackson

This piece was written in response to an in-depth conversation on abolition and the toll of enslavement on people of color, African Americans in parti..