ReneeJ : Writing

Story entry

Story entry

A Story by ReneeJ

A contest entry
For awhile

For awhile

A Poem by ReneeJ

The moment when you simply want to break down.
Unusual Sadness

Unusual Sadness

A Story by ReneeJ

Deanna tells a story of a sadness that she fears might consume her. *** This story is NOT true
Thirsty Soul

Thirsty Soul

A Story by ReneeJ

The rain finally came yesterday and I was inspired!
The voice of pain

The voice of pain

A Poem by ReneeJ

depression, pain, loneliness, confusion
The wait

The wait

A Story by ReneeJ

The disease is taking over Marsha, and her family waits
The Heart Weeps

The Heart Weeps

A Story by ReneeJ

A woman creates a getaway for rich children, but feels as though she is failing
Pause the Sadness

Pause the Sadness

A Story by ReneeJ

A young lady decides to try out the new trend "StayVacation"
Light in a dark place

Light in a dark place

A Poem by ReneeJ

My try at poetry.
The old wooden fence

The old wooden fence

A Story by ReneeJ

Girl seeks refuge from an old wooden fence

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