This piece was written on December 2, 2004. It was. . .tough.
A request by my best friend, enjoy it Mon Loup.
Many of us have lost loved ones in the past, but Nikolas, he can't get past it, and he'll do whatever it takes to gain the life of his best friend bac..
I think I've been out here for about three days now. I'm going to have to come down today. . .I'm out of vodka. And Mike's Hard. And Jose Cuervo. And..
Part three.
Part four.
Ok, so, playing around with imagery here, the main focus is the the person's physical description, followed by her clothing, then by her surroundings...
Hmmm, everything that would lead up to and everything that would proceed after a good smut story, but with this one--you guys don't get the smut.
A short, true, story, that it took me time to find humor in, but I did. And now I'm sitting here having a nice little chuckle over it.
A little snippet about the past year plus some. Idea kinda stolen from the dear Lady Katheryn.