About Me
My name is Ren. I'm 17, 5'1" and a werewolf. I have a German Shepherd named Sassy and a golden hamster named Silent Bob. My three older brothers, DJ, Jon and Josh are the best. I love reading and writing stories about werewolves and vamps, anything supernatural except witches. I love writing poems also. I'm anti-social, don't like many people(I'm not a people person). I can actually be a cool person to hang out with, fun. If you're funny then I'll probably like you because I like to laugh. Also I'm a proud member of the P-I-C, Partners In Crime I smoke weed, not afraid to admit it because I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I'm very protective of what's mine and if no one messes with what is mine, then we have no problems. I'm attracted to black animals, horses, dogs, especially wolves, crows, hawks. I don't trust anyone really except my family. I'm a very good listener though I have little patience but I can sit there and listen to anyone with the patience of a psychiatrist except I won't judge you. I post my stories and poems on a site called www.fictionpress.com. Here's my link if you want to check it out though I'll be posting a lot of my stuff on here now.