Julie Staples

Julie Staples


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Greenville, SC
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About Me

Hi there! My name is Julie (or Jules as I like to be called) and I'm a fantasy novelist and comic book writer. Born and raised an hour north of Philadelphia, PA, I currently live in South Carolina with my husband, Jason, and our four children. (Two boys and two girls in case you're curious. It makes life interesting to say the least.)

I find my home most often in the supernatural realm and have depicted superheros, vampires, and other extraordinary beings within the ordinary world we live in. This makes urban fantasy my favorite genre by far, but I hardly stay inside of a box. My books have contained elements of dark fantasy, horror, typical life, and romance in varying degrees from innocent to a bit more spicy. There isn't a literary challenge that I don't like to try and tackle at some point. And I love to help and challenge others as well when I can.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Darkside and cookies TP
Where are you hun?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey hun, I really hope you are staying, so many are not re-posting, and so many are leaving, and I really don't blame them. Talk about ripping the heart and soul out of the place with the click of a mouse, and no amount of points or money can ever replace what was lost. Take care sweetie. XX

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Buried at Photocasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Could you do me a faviour? My daughter has joined the Cafe, under the name of LaNaFer, could you all pop over and say hello, and just make her feel welcome. If you review any of her work, remember that she is only 15 years old, so please be kind, helpful is good, but kind, thanx. XX