Reika : Writing

Defining the Undefinable

Defining the Undefinable

A Poem by Reika

The closest I have ever gotten to defining it, and it's still far off. Yes. I'm a fool, but that's okay with me.
The Life Expectancy Of A Heart

The Life Expectancy Of A Heart

A Poem by Reika

Kill me. I don't wanna die, but I feel like doing it.
Ianarihs Ami

Ianarihs Ami

A Poem by Reika



A Poem by Reika

Hold it, Grasp it, Hanasanai.


A Poem by Reika



A Poem by Reika



A Poem by Reika

Too be seen, would be wonderful...but being invisible is okay too.
The Intention

The Intention

A Poem by Reika

It never tires...
The Beast

The Beast

A Poem by Reika

I hate the beast.
Slick is the Night

Slick is the Night

A Poem by Reika

Push me out of my comfort zone. I dare you.