Alyssa Duncan

Alyssa Duncan


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Byram, NJ
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About Me

Hello, everyone! I suppose I should introduce myself.

My name is Alyssa, and I'm currently eighteen. My birthday is on August 22. Its pretty exciting.

I'm planning to attend community college for two years before transferring to a bigger school and majoring in Criminal Justice. If I find I don't want to do Criminal Justice, I'll try to transfer to an art school for Illustration. I hope to become an FBI agent and later a criminal profiler.

Hobbies include art and roleplaying. My most best known characters are RegenTaenzer (a dragon horse) and Reg (featured in some of my stories). In the way of art, my favorite mediums are pencil, pastel, and digital (with the use of a tablet).

I enjoy writing stories that have to do with my characters, primarily Reg. Typically, I write mostly fantasy, supernatural, and everyday life stories. In reading, I enjoy fantasy, science fiction, thrillers/suspense, mystery, and basically the stories that make me think. I like big words--its kind of weird.

I'd like comments and constructive criticism. :) That stuff is always good. Please don't be shy about it--I'm pretty nice, really.

That's me. :)

Other Stuff:
My DeviantArt-
My e-mail- [email protected]
My AIM- MatsudaOtoki