Red Jack : Writing

Riddle of Renounciation

Riddle of Renounciation

A Poem by Red Jack

That foolish servant, didn't know how good he had it. I ensured his safety, yet he wished me ill. Luckily I left this little catch for such an instanc..
A Restraining Riddle

A Restraining Riddle

A Poem by Red Jack

Sometimes, I'm surprised by my own generosity. Here this poor boy just wanted to know who he was. Of course, he might have been happier ignorant, but ..
A Ringing Riddle

A Ringing Riddle

A Poem by Red Jack

Hah, it seems I met a fan. How honored I was when asked to record some exclusive words to be used as his cell phone's ring tone.
Riddled with Ramification

Riddled with Ramification

A Poem by Red Jack

Life so often takes a turn for the worse. When called upon for a solution, I did as anyone would - I offered to lend a hand. Is it my fault he was not..
A Riddle of Warning

A Riddle of Warning

A Poem by Red Jack

My associates here in Rockford knew something was wrong, but for the unlife of them couldn't put their finger on it. Luckily Jack has the answer - it'..
The Riddle of Resurrection

The Riddle of Resurrection

A Poem by Red Jack

Another foolish individual came to me, asking the most outlandish of things. Of course, Jack never says no, simply asks for a higher price. It was thi..
Riddle of the Rodents, part 2

Riddle of the Rodents, part 2

A Poem by Red Jack

It seems my new friend in Rockford could barely solve his problems without me. So, Jack was at his service with another riddle to solve his pest probl..
Riddle of the Rodents, part 1

Riddle of the Rodents, part 1

A Poem by Red Jack

It has been a long time since I spent any time in Rockford prior to this. But someone called me in need of aid, and it was with this I responded.