Red Evans author On Ice

Red Evans author On Ice


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Charleston, SC
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About Me

On Ice is my first book. The story is a fun romp across the south full of hilarious misadventures. Kunati Publishers has produced a fun and provocative trailer about On Ice.
I�m a 4th generation Charleston, South Carolina native whose great grandfather served as Mayor in the nineteenth century. In other words, I�m a southerner, as in �y�all�, flat vowels, boiled peanuts and pork barbecue cooked in one side of a 55-gallon drum. I tolerate Yankees, Midwesterners and strange creatures from California even though they are weird.
I was educated in the South, up to the College of Charleston when its purpose was to teach young people what to do with their lives. Now I think it just teaches them how to leave a stubble when they shave.
I joined the Chrestomathic Society in college. I was attracted to it by a sophomore with a set of bazooms to die for. It didn�t work out though; she was attracted to a basketball player destined for the NBLCS, Norman Borman�s Lawn Care Service. Today, his pickup trucks are towing a trailer full of lawn mowers with shifty-eyed immigrants without a green card among them riding in the truck bed.
I started writing and got into broadcasting as a disc jockey, the Rocking Redhead. I wore a red shirt or sweater and a red go-to-hell cap and broadcast from a glass booth in a drive-in restaurant in Tallahassee, Florida.
I outgrew rock and roll or maybe the pressure of car payments, dental appliances, and other adult responsibilities overwhelmed it and I turned to journalism. I anchored the local news on TV and had found a career in which I could truly believe. I had become one of society�s barking watchdogs, a responsibility I took very seriously.
TV journalism succumbed to the bean counters and TV news became the shill that it is today, thirty minute magazines with whining anchorpersons. I wanted no part of that and am ashamed to have once been a part of television journalism. Society�s barking watchdogs have become whining Lhasa apso lap dogs who hardly know when to lift their own leg.
Anyway, I put broadcasting behind me to be an advocacy writer and public speaker, sometimes referred to as a lobbyist. I can even claim to have gotten some legislation passed during my turbulent days in the Nation�s Capital.
I like babies when they are still dribbling and grin at me when I give them the Bronx cheer. I like women with a sense of humor and who appreciate it when I take gentlemanly actions that seem quaint and even sexist to some. I am opinionated but that is not a fault because all of my opinions are the correct ones, all others must accede to mine.
I am renewed by praise, and crushed by criticism not meant to make me better. I am honored when someone calls me sir, but no less honored when it is unspoken.
This is me and I can't change the facts, stretch them some, but not change them.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a moment could you read
Miss Misunderstood
A Poem by Bubo

Thank you!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a spare moment could you read me? Thank you x
Hush Your Heart
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a mo could you please read
Sinking Arteries
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Merry Christmas - Happy New Year

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I came by to read your bio. I do that, sometimes, when I don't know someone very well. I enjoyed your description of yourself very much. There is a lot there I can identify with, I eat my biscuits with gravy and grits with butter, salt and pepper. Unfortunately, I am procrastinating when I have a real-world certification exam in eight days. I look forward to that being over so that I can come back and read the stories you have posted.