Roseanne W.

Roseanne W.


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About Me

23 year old still trying to figure everything out. . .
I am the mother of a 1 1/2 year old, she is the center of my universe, and eventually when all the anger is out, i hope to be able to write about her even if i only touch the surface of how much she means to me and makes my life more complete.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

24 and still too young to understand barely anything. . .I write non-stop, but often feel like nothing is finished, because i go back and back again to my writing, always feeling like its just not strong enough yet. . .
I write mostly poetry, but i go through phases of prose, then back to poetry. . .and all my writing is still very self-centered, still trying to understand myself, before even attempting to draw conclusions about the world. . .
I am a mother of a 1 1/2 year old who is the center of my universe. . .