Rayne212 : Writing

Every Night

Every Night

A Poem by Rayne212

Every night I drift off to another place. Another reality. Where we sit in your truck and talk about life's mysteries. Where we lay in the sand and..
My Selas Flower

My Selas Flower

A Poem by Rayne212

My heart is only able to open rarely, and it chose you. My heart found you and it didn't just open it blossomed. Never has someone elevated and heal..
Drive Back the Night

Drive Back the Night

A Poem by Rayne212

I've been at war so long.At war with my world.At war with myself.I'm so tired, but I dont have quit in me.There are moments, though when the weariness..
A Promise  Kept

A Promise Kept

A Poem by Rayne212

Some how when I'm cracking you don't see me as broken.You quiet the rage and sadness in my soul.You help me see what I can't in myself.To see the part..
Storm in my Soul

Storm in my Soul

A Poem by Rayne212

Everyday I hear their voices in my head.Asking for justice.Asking for vengeance.Asking why....They constantly call out my name.Some days the volume is..
A Choice in Flames

A Choice in Flames

A Poem by Rayne212

Sometimes life feels like a firestormA constant assault that burns me to ashBut I refuse to be a victimI live like a Phoenix
An Angel is Born

An Angel is Born

A Poem by Rayne212

Crack! Confusion. Crack! Confusion gives way to terror. Terror that locks you. That makes you want to curl and wish the world away. Crack..