Raymond Federle : Writing

Sullivan can count. (written as told to me by Sullivan.)

Sullivan can count. (written as told to me by Sull..

A Chapter by Raymond Federle

"The hardest thing about counting is all the numbers."- Sullivan
Sullivan's day out. (Written as told to me by Sullivan.)

Sullivan's day out. (Written as told to me by Sull..

A Chapter by Raymond Federle

"One time I got lost but I found my way home. Dad says 'Well we'll try and lose him again next week.' Grandma says 'I never lost anything that ate' My..
Inner voices

Inner voices

A Poem by Raymond Federle

Listening within
See Through Me

See Through Me

A Poem by Raymond Federle

See Through Me
I went walking...

I went walking...

A Poem by Raymond Federle

journey of mind and body
Killer Beeaming

Killer Beeaming

A Poem by Raymond Federle

Killer Beeaming
La façon verrouillé

La façon verrouillé

A Poem by Raymond Federle

La façon verrouillé


A Poem by Raymond Federle



A Poem by Raymond Federle

Bonus points for figuring out who's addresses were used in the poem.
Endless Depths

Endless Depths

A Poem by Raymond Federle

Endless Depths