Soul Fire

Soul Fire



Little Dreams, Dreamland, Canada
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About Me

Hello, I'm Raya.

I love music,writing and singing.I'm always writing or creating something.I really enjoy singing and writing my own music.I write stories,poems and books.I have a large variety of interests.I am a photographer,an artist and a writer.My Best friend is Felecia. :) If you want to follow me on my journey of surgery and recovery please ''like'' my scoliosis facebook page.

Fav word : pulchritudinous

"A soul mate is not the fairytale ending of the perfect match who fits you and your lifestyle like a comfortable glove… But a soul mate is someone who will pull you out of your comfort zone… putting you and your mind into places where in the past you may have feared to go… a soul mate is someone who through the natural progression of the relationship will make you step beyond what you saw as your limits… proving to yourself that you have no limits, except those that you have created in your own mind… a soul mate is someone who causes you to look deep within to discover that you were already whole and complete, but life with them simply adds cream to the top of what was already decadent… a soul mate is someone who is beaming with pride while watching, supporting, and nudging you through all of this as you learn, grow, evolve, and refine the masterpiece that is you…" ~ Debi Hebel

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No two people are the same. No two relationships are the same. Life does not come with instructions, and love is messier than anyone will ever lead you to believe as you grow into an adult. You have to clean up after yourself and figure out what works for you.

An Original Characters survey. :3
Created by pichu4850 and taken 449 times on Bzoink
Okay. First list 5 characters.
one: Smith ( Daniel Smith)
two: Sonya
three: Carter
four: Rue
five: Williams
Some general Questions first..
What do you do with them? (Draw/RP, etc): Write about them
Which character was created most recently?: Williams
And which, out of these charas, did you make first?: Smith
Do these characters exist in the same world?/Do they know eachother?: They all know each other. But 5 doesn't know 1, yet.
Which character is the oldest?: Carter, he's in his mid thirties and he has 3 adorable children.
Which one has the longest, full, name?: Smith
Have you revamped any of them?: Nope, But I think I will
Do you have more female or male characters?: Male. Poor Sonya all alone, with all the boys.
Do any of your charas have alternate forms?: Uh, not really... at least I don't know I haven't created those yet.
If so, which?: I just answered you...
Have you based your charas on real, established charas?: Hehe yeah, Smith is based off a alternate version of a friend of mine...He still doesn't know.. filler.
..sorry. XD
okay almost there
Number 5's turn.
Male or female?: Male
Age?: 32 and Sexy ;)
Does/did s/he go to school?: He doesn't go to school..He's a sexy paramedic ;)
How often would s/he spend in front of a mirror?: Um.. probably. If I was him I'd spend my life infront of the Geez..With a face and body like that...0.o *fangirlasm*
If given a gun, what would s/he do?: Um.. He'd be even sexier with A gun...
Sexuality?: Straight.
What does s/he like wearing?: He's usually in scrubs, but when he's not wearing scrubs he likes to wear leather jackets and dark coloured jeans, and ride his Harley
Okay, number 4.
Male or female?: Male
Age?: 43
Describe their hair.: Short, sorta spikey in the front. His hair is dirty blonde, but sometimes he dies the flip.
Where does s/he live/like to live?: In the valleys of Ireland and Scotland, where he grew up.
Any good at cooking?: He's very good at cooking. He makes good hagus.
Someone trips in the street and twists their ankle. What does s/he do?: Hes a very gentle and kind man. He would care for that person and make sure they were okay.
How much is s/he willing to spend on a birthday gift for someone?: He's very giving, so alot.
And here's 3.
Male or female?: Male
Age?: 35
How tall is s/he?: About 5ft 7.
Would they enjoy a surprise party thrown for them?: No one's ever done that for him.He'd be surprised, and it's difficult to surprise Carter.He may keep the feeling to himself since he's a mr.tough guy but he's really a softie once you get to know him. When you really get to know him,He;s usually the person throwing parties and giving gifts.
What clothing would s/he most likely wear?: Black and lots of it.
Have they ever killed someone?: HELL YES.Hes a secret agent.
Eye color?: one blue eye,one green.
Time for number 2.
Male or female?: Female
Age?: between 27 - 32 depending on the book/story/time period
Would s/he prefer going to an amusement park or watching a movie at home?: um.. shes very adventurous but after a long day of tracking down ,shooting,being shot at, and killing people she likes to crawl into bed in her pjs and watch movies
Any special talents?: she can sing very well,shes very artistic and shes very good in bed..shes very good with men.
Do they have any secrets?: hell yes! doesnt everyone? shes very secretive and private,she has to be shes a secret agent! She's not very open with anyone,and even if she trusts you, you never know the whole one really knows the 'real' Sonya, and absolutely no one knows anything about her past,only lies.
Any tattoos?: yes, all.over.her.
Is s/he generally violent?: YES VERY! she gets the job done,lets just say
Finally to 1.
Male or female?: Male
Age?: 26- 32
Any piercings on them?: No, he's very quirky and he's afraid of getting and piercings/ tattoos. Plus he's afraid of needles.
What's their favorite food?: Everything. He eats like crazy
In an argument, is s/he most likely to win?: Um, Definitely no if he's arguing with Sonya.She's a very strong,stubborn,opinionated and strong willed person
What's the most unusual thing about them?: He's a total geek, but he's adorable. He's so cute.(: He's a very nice guy, and he's not what he seems.
Is s/he a virgin?: That is debatable.
Which character(s) is the...
Funniest?: Smith
Shyest?: No one really.
Fun-loving?: Um smith when he's in a cuddly mood,which most of the time hehe.
Independent?: Sonya Definately
Oldest?: Rue and Carter
Youngest?: Smith and Sonya
Smartest?: Sonya definately
Interrraacctionzzz. (assume your charas know each other.)
1 buys 5 a gift. What is it?: They don't know each other,yet. So Williams (5) would think Smith (1) is a werido.. or that he's hitting on him. But who wouldn't hit on Williams XD
2 and 3 go on a week-long trip to...dunno, somewhere foreign. What happens?: Carter is very gentleman like and kind. He makes her breakfast and takes her to the nicest places in the area. Carter has a massive crush on our Sonya so,Carter tries to get in Sonya's pants.Sonya slaps him and leaves or admits her feelings for him and accepts. She's a very complicated woman.
4 is insulting number 3. What do they say?: Carter and Rue are best friends. If one of them says something insulting they're probably joking around, or making fun of each other. Aha
5 and 2 are taking.. a math test. Who gets a better score?: Uh.. Sonya because she's awesome.
Would it be a good idea to let 3 give 1 a haircut?: Hell, no.They havent met yet. It'd be weird..
4 dares 5 to run a mile down the street, naked. What does 5 do?: They're both dudes. That'd be weird.. 0.o But who wouldnt wanna see Williams nude ;)
2 has a secret to tell. Do they tell 4 or 1?: No one, she's very secretive. But if she was to tell someone, probably Smith since they've known each other for forever,or Carter because they've been through the craziest of situations together. Definitely Carter if it was spy business though,but if she needed advice on something,she'd tell Smith. It's really depending on what the secret is, and normally she wouldn't tell anyone,anything.
3, 5, and 4 have a race. Who wins?: Williams. He's much younger and more athletic than Carter.
What if 1 started dating 2?: Uh, Smith would die. He's completely in love with Sonya as it is... It's been his dream to end up with her since they Grade 7.
2 raids 4's house. What do they steal?: Carter wouldn't care, He'd probably find it sexy.. Since he so badly wants to get into bed with Sonya as it is.
5 throws eggs at 3. What does 3 do?: Run
1 takes pictures of 4 for blackmail. What does 4 when s/he finds out?: Kills him
State a random fact about each.
1: He's a nerd
2: She secretly stalked Smith for 6 years
3: He's Irish, and has the cutest little accent.
4: He's really big, and muscular.
5: He's sexy, and very intelligent
Do they like alcohol?: Sometimes,some more than others.
1: Millers Genuine Draft, Occasionally
2: Girls Night Out or a few beers, occasionally. Saving the world takes alot of energy out of you, you gotta relax sometimes!
3: Loves Beer <3
4: Loves Wine & Beer
5: Beer
Magical abilities?: No
1: no
2: no
3: no
4: no
5: His sexiness
1: Caucasian, Canadian,Human
2: Hispanic, Human
3: Caucasian,Irish,Human
4: African American,Human
5: Caucasian, American, Human
Name something you wouldn't have guessed about them at first glance.
1: He has 2 ferrets
2: Her true identity is unknown
3: He can speak dead/dying languages such as Latin
4: He's a Dad
5: He dropped out of highschool to serve for his country
Last things.
How many characters do you have total?: alot
Thinking of making any new ones?: yes,definately
Any inspiration for making characters?: friends,family,people around me,movies ect.
What's the general age group you tend to create them in?: teens to - fourties
Who are you favorite characters out of all?: Hard choice..but Smith
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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The Best Myspace Survey
Created by karlamariexoxo and taken 2051116 times on Bzoink
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Strawberry Blonde / Dirty blonde with lots of natural highlights. ..and it changes colour alot
Height:: almost 6 ft
Favorite Color:: Pink
Screen Name:: Raya Rose
Favorite Band:: Uhh I don't have a favourite <3
Favorite Movie:: Too many to count!!
Favorite Show:: Big Bang Theory
Your Car::
Your Hometown:: Secret :D
Your Present Town:: Secret :D
Your Crushes First Name::
Your Grade:: 10
Your Style:: don't have one ;3
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yes
Danced in a public place?: Yes
Smiled for no reason?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: ..yea..
Written a song?: Yes
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yes
Performed on a stage?: Yes
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes
Made out in a theatre?: Yea..
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: No, never have.
Been in love?: I am
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Lauren
Tell you, I love you?: Lauren
Kiss you?: Damien
Hug you?: Mom
Tell you BYE?: Casey
Write you a note?: Mom
Take your photo?: Myself
Call your cell phone?: Liam
Buy you something?: It's Christmas Time...So I don't know...
Go with you to the movies?: Damien
Sing to you?: Lauren
Write a poem about you?: Damien
Text message you?: Damien
Touch you?: Mom
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Today
Time you cried?: Today
Movie you watched?: Safety Not Guartaneed
Joke you told?: It was inappropriate.
Song you've sang?: A sang a word not a song..
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just Now XD
Drink you've had?: Water
Number you've dialed?: Lauren
Book you've read?: City Of Bones
Food you've eaten?: Spaghetti
Flavor of gum chewed?: Cinnamon
Shoes you've worn?: Running Shoes
Store you've been in?: Bargain Shop
Thing you've said?: What was the last store I went to?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes, sorta.
Whistle?: Yes! *whistles*
Blow a bubble?: No..
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yep! :P
Cross your eyes?: Yeah! *crosses eyes*
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Yep ;)
Dance?: Yepp
Gleek?: Hehe,sorta
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Haven't done that yet, but nearly did! :D
Speak a different language?: Yep a few
Impersonate someone?: Haha....James XD
Prank call people?: Yes, not very convincing though XD
Make a card pyramid?: Yes, but it falls...
Cook anything?: Yeah!!
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Unicorn
I wish ...: I could fly
 quotes Glitter graphics
Myspace Hi5 comments
 quotes Glitter graphics
Myspace Hi5 comments


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Posted 11 Years Ago

 photo women_zps5db27ee2.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago


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Posted 11 Years Ago

*hugs* ^^

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Posted 12 Years Ago

We found who the poem is by. Someone named Maryanne M. But she says that she's kinda taking a break from WC to reconstruct her poems so I guess I won't be hearing a reply to the message I sent to her for a while .-.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Now? :D

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Do I get to see it? :D

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Teehee :3

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Posted 12 Years Ago


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Posted 12 Years Ago

.-. Its YOU!!! :D

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hai!! :3