Raven Productions : Writing

Slave Orphans!

Slave Orphans!

A Chapter by Raven Productions

Greetings. You won't believe this! S**t just got real. I got a visit from the three wise men, following a star in a form of a f*****g kid. I've ne..
Day to Day

Day to Day

A Chapter by Raven Productions

She was waken by an uneasy feeling. She just felt watched, or it could’ve been her dream. But as she opened her eyes, she saw Amelia staring..
The Girl From Nowhere

The Girl From Nowhere

A Chapter by Raven Productions

Amelia sat on her cot, quietly, as instructed. The room was filled with black, empty darkness. The sun was nowhere in sight, yet she had been woke..
Restless Cruelty

Restless Cruelty

A Chapter by Raven Productions

And as they marched, the army of the living dead, their feet barely touching the ground, silence engulfed them all around. They came to a rest in ..
Costly Freedom

Costly Freedom

A Chapter by Raven Productions

No one noticed the dead boy slowly rising or the blanket falling off of his slack face. The darkness prevented them of becoming aware of the fact ..
I. Am. Alive.

I. Am. Alive.

A Book by Raven Productions

A post-apocalyptic world, crawling with zombies. Chloe Ryan is an 18 year old who is trying to surive - fighting against both the undead and the peopl..

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